
English Language Arts: Our class will be piloting a new curriculum this year. Mrs. Cava and Mrs. Sessler developed the ELA curriculum this summer with the district. We will not be utilizing the Harcourt anthology as regularly as in years past. Instead, we will be focusing on essential skills and strategies that directly link to the Common Core State Standards through various quality literary and informational texts.

Mathematics: Fifth graders at Star Hill utilize Math Trailblazers as an avenue to help teach the Delaware Prioritized Standards and Common Core State Standards.

Science: The Caesar Rodney School District has adopted 3 science kits from FOSS and STC. We will be learning about Ecosystems, Mixtures and Solutions, and Motion and Design this year.

Social Studies: Units of study are taken from Delaware's Recommended Curriculum model units which include Mock Elections, the Bill of Rights, Due Process, Dueling Documents, Economics, Westward Expansion, the Civil War, and the Industrial Revolution. Click here to view the model units